Q: What grades would get the most impact from The Jellyfish Project presentation?
A: Our presentation material is targeted to middle and high school students.

Q: Our school doesn't have a theatre, can we still have The Jellyfish Project here?
A: Absolutely! We’ll set up in any room you have. We’ve played small multi-purpose rooms, band rooms, theatres and gymnasiums. We have all our own sound gear and we know how to operate it.

Q: How large of an audience does the presentation require?
A: Our experience tells us that smaller numbers are optimum for students to focus and not be distracted, i.e. 200 and under, however we have delivered our presentation to 60-1000 students at one time. The main objective is to get our message heard so we are flexible.

Q: How long is a Jellyfish Project presentation?
A: Our presentations run from 45-60 minutes depending on the time that is allotted to us by the school, and the age range of the student audience. We are able to do up to three presentations in a school in one day.

Q: How long does it take the musicians to set up and take down?
A: It takes the musicians about 90 minutes to set up and about 60 minutes to take everything down.

Q: I'm a musician. How can my band or I get involved?
A: Please send an e-mail to info@thejellyfishproject.org and introduce yourself. We’d love to hear from you!